Do real men run 'Chi'?

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to introduce Somerset Gazette reporter Daniel Milligan to Chi Running. During the session, Daniel posed an interesting question. With its talk of ‘Chi’, relaxation and mindfulness, would male runners find the idea of ChiRunning off-putting? A bit too… well…. airy fairy? Just not ‘manly’ enough?

I’m not sure there’s a male/female divide. I get as many men in my classes interested in the ‘chi’ aspects of ChiRunning as women. It’s more down to the viewpoint of each individual runner, and what they’re looking to get out of their running. You can approachChi Running from different perspectives, depending on what’s important to you.

For some runners, their interest lies purely in the physical mechanics of running. Maybe they want to run without injury. They’d like to be able to maintain their energy over longer distances. Or they want to run faster without working harder.

And that’s just fine. If mention of ‘chi’ has you looking nervously for the exit, don’t worry. The biomechanics of ChiRunning are sound, and you won’t be required to chant ‘om’, adopt the lotus position or go vegan.

ChiRunning teaches you to relax. Holding muscles tense uses energy. Energy that’s not moving you forward.

ChiRunning teaches you to align your body with the direction in which you’re running. Extraneous movement uses energy. Energy that’s not moving you forward.

ChiRunning teaches you to align your posture, and use the big muscles and structures of your body to carry the workload. Asking the smaller muscles of your body to do work they weren’t designed for risks stress, strain and injury.

Just watch any elite athlete to see how critical being able to hold good form and to relax are to success. Nothing airy fairy about it.

But equally, for those runners who are interested in developing their mind as well as their body, learning to body sense and be mindful can add a whole new dimension to running.

Each run becomes about more than trying to go faster or further than last time. Working with your body, not beating it into submission. Finishing energised, not depleted.

And the stronger you build the mind-body connection while running, the more you may find that connection continuing into your everyday life.

You can take what you want from ChiRunning – a biomechanically smart running technique; a means to connect with your running mentally as well as physically; and even a way to bring mindfulness into your life outside running.

So, do real men run Chi? Yes, and real women too 😊

Photo Credit: JuanChristophe via Compfight cc